John participating in Disaster Relief Trials.
How long have you been cycling, and how long have you worked for Pedex?
I don’t know when I “first” started riding a bike … I was four or five or something like that. I do remember the first moment I was able to ride two wheels, though. My mother was pushing the seat (helping hold me up) as I pedaled. At a certain point, I heard her say “You’re doing it!” It was an awesome experience. I started mountain biking in Corvallis in the late 90’s. Then I moved to Boston. Those were my most dedicated mountain bike years. The trails there are great for technical skills. You don’t ride a trail named “Shark Tooth” unless you know how to deal with rocks. The Northwest excels in the climb and descent arena. Love them both, but technical is more my style. Back in ‘07, I created Trips for Kids-CAT at Center for Appropriate Transport. We’re a local chapter of the international Trips for Kids group that gets kids out on the trails.
What do you do at PedEx, and what is your favorite thing about working for PedEx?
I started with Pedalers Express around the same time I started TFK-CAT, so 2007. I’ve been a bike courier ever since. Eventually started managing it, too. My favorite part about the job is getting paid to do something that matches my values & keeps me in shape. That’s something not always easy to find in this mixed-up world of ours.
What are some things you’re into when you’re not PedExing?
What do I do on my off-time? For the most part, I stay healthy and try to make the world a better place.

Megan ready for a day under the sun.
How long have you been cycling, and how long have you worked for Pedex?
I have been working for Pedalers Express since 2018. I really enjoy it. I get to work in a bike shop and use muscle. I also get to be around really cool people and I get to work outdoors. I have been riding solid for about since 2008. I ran when I was in High School. I did Track and Cross Country. I moved to Eugene from the Oregon Coast. I went to Lane Community College and completed my Fitness Technician Certificate. I also did Track and Cross Country in College. Now I race bikes when I have time and money. So I use my running talents on the bike.
What do you do at PedEx, and what is your favorite thing about working for PedEx?
Working at PedEx is perfect for me to learn, and to be part of the bicycling community. I also love being able to work outside and I like working out. I also get to think about helping the enviroment here. I like being around tons of bike stuff.
What are some things you’re into when you’re not PedExing?
I have two dogs that are working dog breeds so they keep me pretty busy. I also have an 11 year old. I have a boyfriend of 13 years. So really I am pretty busy. and I like yardwork. My family and I bike alot. One day I hope to get my dogs a trailor and get them trained in riding along. I pretty much

Tyler not on a cycle, but on a valuable path that lifts us over the railroad tracks … and the trains that would otherwise block our path.
How long have you been cycling, and how long have you worked for Pedex?
I started “cycling” during my sophomore year of high school. I was fortunate in being part of a group of students to do a cross country tour during the summer leading into my junior year. That was the first time I realized not only what I was capable of, but what human/pedal power could do. I started with PedEx in December of 2019.
What’s your favorite stretch to ride?
I commute from Springfield to Eugene most days. I do what I can to take the scenic route and keep things fresh and enjoyable.
What do you do at PedEx, and what is your favorite thing about working for PedEx?
PedEx is a strong crew. Right now my work entails covering shifts and maintaining the cargo bikes. We have a pretty strong backbone as a whole and it feels great to be part of that. We are constantly collaborating and communicating to get things done. For the most part though we work independently from each other in our daily operations. How dynamic and unique the work we do is very special and the appropriateness of the vehicles and technology we use really sets us apart. The work is fulfilling. What more could someone ask for?
What are some things you’re into when you’re not PedExing?
I enjoy all things in life that remind me I am living.
What’s your favorite cycling-related sport and why?
If it is bicycle related, I’ll nearly guarantee I’ll be into it.

Steven in the garden getting ready to turn awesome scraps from local businesses like Morning Glory into compost.
How long have you been cycling, and how long have you worked for Pedex?
I learned to ride my first bike when I was three or four years old and since then I have always enjoyed the freedom and simplicity of riding bikes. One of my happiest memories from childhood was when my mom surprised me at school in fifth grade with my first nice brand new BMX bike. I rode it to school and hurt my self all over town with it for years and loved it. I moved to eugene in 2017 and sold my car shortly after when a friend left town and left me with his fixed gear bike. I’ve been working for pedex since December 2018.
What do you do at PedEx, and what is your favorite thing about working for PedEx?
I started out doing the ‘standard’ daily courier route once a week and now I deliver the Eugene Weekly, pick up and transport compost to the skinner city farm, and try to help out wherever I’m needed. What I like the most about working for PedEx is that it feels more like a fun and relaxing hobby than a job. I enjoy riding around town and delivering things while getting exercise and fresh air.
What are some things you’re into when you’re not PedExing?
When I’m not PedExing, I like to hike, ride my bike, run, cook, eat, read, listen to music, and I’m also a part time student majoring in exercise science.